Notes from my prep land

Having just decided she would give it a shot, Naomi starting for the door, when movement drew her back. The best looking male backside, clad in dark jeans, carrying a well-worn guitar case strode across the section she watched. It took another moment to register that he was tall and thin, with spiky blonde hair. Naomi moved quickly, interest peaked into action. By the time Naomi got inside, he headed out a different door, it seemed.

Red Letters, Sinful Sunrise 2017/2018 edition.

You ever write something new, and then look at older works? 

Notice a theme? Any elements that repeat themselves?

Mine? Surprisingly, that right there is mine… Starting a story with a backside element.

Now, either I need to make my characters look somewhere else, or I need to write the story that that item belongs to and let it go. That particular idea seems to be trying to find it’s place in my world.

Some ideas are one offs, once you write it, the idea is satisfied and moves on. Others are meant to be with you, and clearly don’t allow anything else to take it’s job.

At least, that’s what I’ve figured out today, while preparing for NaNoWriMo 2019.

In honor of my bad habit, I threw together a little #MusicMonday #playlist. After all, a sense of humor is required sometimes, when your pattern shows… 

So a few on my playlist, with credit going to the artists that it belongs to, then back to preptober. How’s your prep going by the way?

Honky Tonk Badonkadonk – Trace Adkins
Booty – JLo and Iggy Azalea

I hope you didn’t think I would forget some of the better songs from the types Woods, our guitar carrying backside, would appreciate…

Fat Bottomed Girls – Queen
Baby Got Back – Sir Mix-A-Lot

And a bonus honorary mention to the Meghan Trainor song “All About That Bass” as yes, it’s a song in the vein of what I was going for, but as this choice leads to nothing but trouble in my WIP…

Doesn’t quite fit anymore.

Hope my lightbulb moment gave you all a laugh. Or maybe a few ear worms to live thru… either way, have a good one, until next time.

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